Love This Life by Theresa Troutman
Maggie's Review 5*****
ARC given in exchange for an honest review.
Woo! More sexy Sebastian! Just what the doctor ordered! Ok, so if you haven't read my review for Life Is What You Make It then I suggest you go do that now. I loved this book, it deals with the trials and tribulations of new love, self sacrifice and more and more love!
We follow Sebastian and his darling Tess as they start college and learn about the joys of living together as a couple. They go through their ups and downs and for a moment there, I honestly believed there would be a lot more downs, but, thankfully, there was not. I'm not a big fan of teenage angst. *shudders* But, fear not, you'll find very little of that here.
We read on as our favourite British dude with the sexy accent learns about responsibilities and what it means to be a supportive partner.
There is fear and joy and uncertainties, but we see how these two young people deal with the reality that is "life".
Another brilliant read! And I cannot wait for the next one! Well done Theresa!
Life Is What You Make It by Theresa Troutman
Maggie's Review 5*****
ARC given in exchange for an honest review.
Ok, so I liked this book, it was fun, peppy and had a cute British dude with a sexy accent. What more could a girl ask for? *giggle*
It started off kind of slow, and I was expecting it to drag something horrible because of the slow starting, but I was wrong, it picked up speed and did so quite nicely.
Sebastian, our British dude with the sexy accent, is what everyone identifies as a typical rebelling teenager out to make his mother's life a misery. On his journey to do that life kicks him in the teeth and leaves poor Sebastian feeling completely out of control. His mother demands that he get his act together and throws him to the wolves, so to speak. With little choice but to listen to her, Sebastian sets out to get his out of control life back under control, with the help of his surrogate mother Nanny, and a gorgeous American tutor who is quickly worming her way into Sebastian's love starved heart.
We get to see the ups and downs of new love, insecurities, the joys of self discovery and the pains and heartache of loss.
A brilliant read! 5*****
Tracy 's review Lily White Hard Roads

gifted to me in exchange for an honest review
lily white has never disappointed me in any of her books and it was the same for this one, I loved every second of it , BLOOD AND GUTS AND BAD ARSE BIKERS WITH TAKE NO PRISONERS ATTITUDES great story loved how it played out what's not to love well the very gruesome parts but if you can grit your teeth and read on you will love this book cannot wait for more 5 stars lily you smashed it well done !
gifted to me in exchange for an honest review
OK so I was not expecting that, I don't know why perhaps I did what most do and looked at the cover and expected a sweet romance at most ha yeah right was I so wrong, I had to go back and read it again to be sure, I loved this book the only thing I didn't like was the fact that it ended I wanted more, very sexy , romantic and heart wrenching. Jake is so sweet and caring.
5 huge stars Theresa not at all what I expected and I loved every minute of it well done !
Maggie's Review 4****
ARC received in exchange for an honest review
Oooh, what a way to continue on the story. After Darkness Deserved, you kinda of knew there was going to be an all out war of the internal kind. And that's what happened to Harper,her fears of the past, that she could see chomping at her heels, had her fighting against what she thought she didn't deserve, happiness. And Breccan tried to give her some breathing space, a chance to figure things out on her own, but him being a hot blooded, persistent male, there is only so much he could take before he had enough.
If you liked Darkness Deserved then you will love Ascending Darkness!
Darkness Deserved (Shattering the Darkness, Part 1) by Jessica Spoon
Maggie's Review 4****
ARC received in exchange for an honest review
I'm not a big fan of dark reads, and this definitely has some darkness in it, but i enjoyed it. Poor Harper, she sure had a shitty life and then, when she's got her shit together, a MAN of all things, tries to disrupt the peace and happiness that she has found.
It's raw, emotional, hot, sexy and yes dark, but so worth a chance.
If you like spunky, take no shit, bad chicks like Harper and hot, sexy, alpha males like Breccan then this really is a book for you.
On to the next one!
Leap of Faith by Michele Shriver
Maggie's Review 4****
I liked this book, it was warm and sweet and romantic, I did however have some issues with it, which is why it didn't receive a 5 star rating.
The book is well written but I thought there was something lacking in the connection between the two main characters. They were in a relationship, had a child together and have separated. Tracy is single and lives alone with their 11 yr old daughter, while Steve is in a relationship with a co-worker.
Throughout the book, both parties have shown that they have not completely let each other go, be it her always going to him when she is down or in need of comfort in some way, or him always going to her when she needs him. And, as they do have a child together, it is to be expected that they share that connection. But, what didn't feel right to me was the way they interacted with one another. They are supposedly still in love but while they each think of the other, for me, there wasn't much of this connection that they are supposed to have. I didn't feel it. There was some jealousy on her part, going on a date with the hunky doctor when she realised how much he has moved on, but other than that, it felt somewhat stale. That didn't last throughout the story, however, it did pick and get better and it was a really lovely romance story.
Tracy's Review
This book was gifted to me in exchange for an honest review
first things first I love drew where do I get my own ? I loved this book it is sexy romantic, hot arse male force to be reckoned with hell yes what is not to like this book sucks you in and does not let go and I cannot wait for more 5 huge fat stars Alexis well done great story
Theresa Troutman Love this life
Tracy's review
book was gifted to me by the author in exchange for an honest review.
I loved this book and this series so far it was light ,romantic and sexy that was very refreshing to read. i loved this one more than the first, i love how their stories are progressing and I cannot wait for the next part of Sebastian and tess's journey cute story very well wrote Theresa I loved it 5 huge we'll deserved stars.
Broken Souls By Beth Ashworth
Review By Maggie 3 1/2 ***
Arc recieved in exchange for an honest review
I liked this book, it was a cute read. But I have to say it wasn't what I expected. The story was brilliant and it was well written, but I felt very confused through most of it and even more so half way through all the way to just about the end. Now, I don't want to say too much because I hate ruining it for other people who have not read it, but I really disliked Ashley. She's not what I perceive to be a 'heroine' of a story, she's too...lost I suppose you could say. Most heroine's, while they often do have some kind of trauma, or horrible background that effect them through their lives, I felt that Ashley's 'trauma' was too over-played. She was constantly wondering what she was supposed to doghting flashbacks and the like, while other heroine's usually have the inner strength to push themselves forward and declare that their 'trauma' will not rule them any longer. Ashley, while she did pull herself out of it towards the end, she felt too insecure and lost and confused, and it was like she was really struggling to survive. Honestly, throughout most of it I was waiting for a discovery of her having some sort of mental health issue, P.T.S.D or something along those lines, because it really felt, to me, the reader, that there was something wrong with her. Like she needed to be in a straight-jacket.
Marco was a typical male playboy, a complete prick at times, yet lovable. Ben was an annoying, pushy arsehole that wanted a kick in the face just to shut him up. Melissa was just bleh, that's a scientific term, bleh.
Overall, mainly due to my confusion about the heroine, I give it 4 stars.
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Everything in Duke Grayson’s life was all he could ever ask for: A loving family, loyal friends, a beautiful girlfriend, and a scholarship to his top choice college. It’s his senior year of high school, and all he needs is to focus on his grades, lacrosse, and keeping his girlfriend happy. That is until Raya walks into his life.
From the moment they meet, Duke is drawn to her, not only for her natural beauty and her stunning crystal blue eyes, but because he’s aware there’s more to this girl than just his alluring pull to her. He senses secrecy and fear.
Throughout the year, their bond grows stronger, and his feelings for her become undeniable. Just when he is about to express his love, tragedy strikes and Raya disappears.
For six years, Duke is tortured by his struggles, as he’s unable to find her and blames himself for failing to protect her. Until the day, she’s found, and he’s given a second chance. Will Duke become her beacon of hope and make her see that it’s the little things that make life worthwhile? Can Raya overcome her fears and fight against the terrors that haunt her? Or will her dark and torturous past be too much for her to battle against?
*Warning: This book contains some disturbing situations, strong language and sexual content. Suited for 18 years and over.
Tracy's review
this book was gifted to me by the author in exchange for an honest reviewwow can I just say I was so not expecting that, I loved every single second of it I could not put it down and stayed awake all night to read it the twists and turns hit me out of nowhere and I never saw them coming sexy, suspense filled , reading so fast to see what's happening brilliant just brilliant I cannot wait for more well done Madison you smashed it 5 huge stars
Fractured Steel T.J. Loveless
After a bloody tour in Iraq, all Karen Barnes wants is a simple life, surrounded by horses and the mountains of Wyoming. But when a stranger tries boarding a famous horse worth millions at her stable, Karen grows suspicious that the horse has been stolen.
When her worse fears are confirmed and her life is threatened, her instinct for survival kicks in. But things are far worse than she could have even imagined when she discovers that the theft is just a coverup for espionage.
With the lives of those she cares for at stake, can she find the courage to fight one more battle, or will the violence and carnage tear her to pieces?
Tracys Review
book gifted to me by the author in exchange for an honest review.
OK I had so many mixed emotions with this book its not even funny, the talk of horses for me was all a bit much and overwhelming I have no clue whatsoever as to what it meant , I was about ready to give up and the book twisted and took a turn for good and I thought to myself I was really enjoying it, then there were parts that made me think what ???? nope not having that, for me there is such thing as too many twist and turns this girl just couldn't catch a break but.. in spite of all that it is a really good and shock filled story so TJ I give you 4 stars well done
Maggie's Review 5*****
What's the story Ms Casey, my name is M.J and I live in Dublin, born and raised, and can I just're me new God!!! Holy shite woman your deadly!! LOL
Ok, now, that I got that out of the way, on with the review.
I give it five stars, because the author is: 1. Irish and 2. Brilliant!!
Now, I don't write the way I talk, I normally take a more polite, proper tone when writing a review, but for this book I think that would be slightly insulting. So here goes.
In all of the books I've ever read, a few that were based in Ireland or had Irish characters, I've never felt connected to the characters the way I did with Bronagh. Why? Because she reminds me...well, of me. The attitude, the brogue, and even the way she wanders around hiding in the shadows trying to be invisible. That was me when I was in school.
Now, Dominic, well as the warning label states, he's a prick...a right ol' possessive bollix that needs a good kick in the arse with a size 9 shoe. And at the beginning I was hoping Bronagh would kick the shite out of 'em and leave it at that, but then he started to grow on me, like a bad rash, at first it's fucking annoying and you want it to fuck off and leave ya alone, but then, when ya give it a good ol' scratch it feels soooo good.
Now, let me just state, for the record, that what Ms Casey said is in fact: true. The majority of Dublin people do go around saying 'me this' and 'me that'. The majority. Those that don't were raised to be proper and polite and probably grew up in what we 'common as muck' people call the posh areas. People like me and Bronagh don't say things like 'he's my boyfriend' it's 'he's me fella'. The way we talk is one of the things that make us Dubliners unique. I have many of these quirks, for example, I don't say 'window' it's 'winda' and it's not 'yellow' it's 'yella'. Not all Dublin people speak like this, it's true, but a large majority of them do.
Now, your probably wondering why I'm wasting time talking about what way I speak, and there is a point to it. I noticed a few reviews that ranted about the how bad she was making the Dublin people out to be by writing Bronagh's brogue the way she did and it pissed me off to no end. You may not talk like that but that just means you are not in the majority that do! I'm repeating meself, but I need to to get me point across.
If you were to put five Dublin people, from five different areas, in a room and have them say the same sentence, chances are at least three of those people are going to say it a little bit different. Not everybody talks the same way.
Rant over.
Loved the book. Bronagh was the shite, Dominic a prick and I can't wait for the next one!!
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The Good Girl
Lily White and Dawn Robertson Tracy's review
wow I received this book in exchange for an honest review and mostly what I can say is wow
it is dark so dark at times I stopped to think did I want to read on. I was almost too afraid to, I stopped and left it down thinking to myself fuck that's deep and dark and twisted but I wanted to know I wanted to reach the end, I always say that I judge a good book by its ability to pull me in and make me want to read it when I have to put it down because it must mean it has made or is making an impact on me therefore its good, I don't know if brilliant or great are words I would use to describe this book for some reason it feels wrong but I will say it is a work of art , genius writing , and what must have taken a whole lot of strength to write I admire lily and dawn for that I was pulled from my comfort zone of romance and light and all things fuzzy and thrown into the dark and twisted and weird and ugly and wow even if you don't do dark you should give this book a shot it might surprise you sure damm shocked the hell outa me 5 well deserved stars well done lily and dawn its a book I won't forget in a hurry that's for sure
Resisting Ryann (Bad Boy Reformed #2) by Alyssa Rae Taylor
Arc received in exchange for an honest review
Genre: Romance
What happens when the person you love becomes threatened by your very existence? How far will you go to keep them safe?
Luke Ryann will do anything to protect the woman he loves, even if it means shattering her heart. When the mystery of his past comes back to haunt him, he leaves Reese behind and enters the life of crime he had worked so hard to escape. When all is said and done, will he be able to get out of this alive, or will he be in over his head?
She’s been in love with him since her childhood, but now she questions everything. After Reese Johnson discovers Luke’s disappearance has nothing to do with the MMA, she faces a difficult choice. Can she find it in her heart to forgive him? Or will the secrets and lies be too damaging for her to trust again? Will this couple ever have a chance? You know what they say.
Sometimes … love just isn’t enough.
RESISTING RYANN is the second book in the Bad Boy Reformed Trilogy. This story isn’t just a romance. It’s filled with action, suspense, mystery, and a touch of humor.
Recommended for mature readers due to situations of abuse, violence, language, and sexual content.
Review by Maggie
**** 4 stars
Ok, I have to admit, I was not expecting what happened in this book. It took me by surprise. My heartstrings where pulled in every direction possible and it left me reeling. I felt for both Reese and Luke as I read the continuation of their romance and it really threw me. Pain, suffering, sadness, confusion and distrust, it had it all. There where tears in m eyes throughout and the ending was a real kick in the teeth. Yet another cliffhanger, and like the last book, it had me extremely frustrated. I wanted the HEA!! But, the author decided to leave us hanging.
Honestly, it was brilliant, the author really made Luke's protectiveness shine through and we see the length's he is willing to go through to see that Reese remains safe and sound.
I cannot wait for the final book in this awesome trilogy.
Raising Ryann (Bad Boy Reformed #1) by Alyssa Rae Taylor
Book received in exchange for an honest review
Genre: Romance
Synopsis: Twenty-year-old Reese Johnson can finally leave her troublesome past behind. She enters college with her best friend, Gia, and spends her time doing what she loves—working as a self-defense instructor at a local gym. Then Luke Ryann enters the picture. He’s the tall, dark, and tattooed MMA fighter her boss hires to privately train her. One minute, he captivates her with his piercing brown eyes and boyish dimples. The next, he infuriates her with his relentless banter and cocky bad boy behavior. He’s the last thing she wants or needs, and she never expects to fall in love with him.
Luke’s jaded past has him keeping a safe distance. Despite what he feels, some things are better left alone. He has a dangerous secret—one that has the potential to risk their lives. As he fights the attraction between them, can he resist the growing tension and protect the woman he’ll never be able to have?
Recommended for mature audiences due to situations of abuse, violence, strong language and sexual content.
Raising Ryann, the first book in the Bad Boy Reformed series, isn't just a story about first love. It's filled with action, suspense, mystery, and a touch of humor.
Review by Maggie
**** 4 stars
Ok, so Raising Ryann. It was a sweet and touching story about the love that blossoms from the desire to protect. Reese is the unfortunate heroine who suffered quite a bit of abuse as a child, Luke is the 'boy next door/ protective big brother' type that runs to her rescue more than once. The story starts off 6 years ago, around one the moments that Reese needs her 'hero', so we get a brief glimpse of Luke's protectiveness. Moving on to the present, 6 years later, and we meet Reese once more, only this time she's a twenty year old college woman who works as a self-defence instructor for teens/pre-teens.
It's been 6 whole years since Luke and Reese have seen each other, Luke having disappeared after the last time, so Reese doesn't recognize him when Luke appears in her life again. A sense of familiarity follows her around as she tries t figure him out.
Reese and Luke got off on a bad start when he first showed up, and things don't get better immediately, there is frustration, jealousy, embarrassment and anger and not in that order. But they work things out and friendship and a delicate love story develop, the sweetness of it all nearly killed me! I'm even willing to ignore the lack of any steamy bedroom action, purely because of the tender love that shines through the pages!
I did however hate the ending, but what person doesn't hate a cliffhanger? I wanted everything to be wrapped up nice and neat like and with hearts and flowers and puppies. But what i got was hair pulling, frustrated tears and a sense of impending doom in the pit of my stomach, but that's just me.
Life's What You Make It Theresa Troutman
“She’s everything I’m not and everything I want to be.”
Sebastian Iron’s life is spiraling out of control. Over the course of one week Sebastian witnesses death, runs away with his best friend’s girl, gets kicked out of his English prep school and is banished to America by his domineering mother to repeat his senior year of high school.
In America, Sebastian struggles to find self-discipline and a purpose to turn his life around. He meets Tess Hamilton, the only person to show him any kindness in his new school. Little does he know, she is the savior tutor hired by his mother to help him improve his grades. The two slowly begin to build a friendship.
As their friendship blossoms, Sebastian begins to have romantic feelings for Tess. She claims to only want a platonic relationship, but Sebastian feels the undeniable spark that sizzles between them every time they are together.
Forces beyond their control will either bring Sebastian and Tess closer together or tear them apart.
Will Sebastian return to his old habits or find the strength to be the person worthy of Tess’ love
Tracy's review
This book was gifted to me by the author with thanks to Stephanie's book reports
such a beautiful story when I first started this book I was unsure what to think my first thought was historian but as I got into it I realised it was so much more I loved Sebastian he just wanted to be loved at times I cried for him, this book is sexy and romantic and light and at times sad but a good sad too well done Theresa 5 stars very well wrote I loved it and look forward to more
Playing With Fire by Ashley Piscitelli
Genre: Romance
synopsis: Madison Stevens has had a rough life, her mother died at the age four and her father has always blamed her for it. She went through the foster system and is now attending college. Her boyfriend Chris is not willing to share Madison with anyone, not even her friends.
Her first day at college she meets Carter James, who makes her want everything she never thought she could have. She knows that she should ignore her feelings for Carter, but it's not as easy as it sounds.
As Carter and Madison begin to fall in love, they face many obstacles. Their biggest one is Chris who is not going to let her go easily.
Playing with Fire will be the first book in a three book series. It is about the obstacles that stand in your way on the path to love. It tests the characters strength and commitment to each other on every level from old boyfriend/girlfriends, to insecurities, and throws a little violence and scheming into the mix.
"Chris was like fire. It was pretty to look at but if you got too close you got burnt, and if it wasn’t controlled it would destroy everything in its path. Doing what I was about to do with Carter was dangerous, but what can I say I never had parents to warn me not to play with fire."
**Playing With Fire is for mature audiences only—strong language, and explicit sexual content are apparent.**
Review by tracy: woah major cliffhanger
this book was gifted to me by the author in exchange for an honest review Chris is every freaking bad name I can ever think of and then some he should have his nuts trapped in a vice and squeezed,carter is such a sweetheart and has now joined my ever growing list of bookboyfriends, this book is such an emotional rollercoaster and I loved it it was sexy, funny and annoyed me so much I screamed and wanted to throw my tablet at Chris, great read Ashley I'm racing to read part two 5 huge well deserved stars we'll done
Tainted Pictures by Sarah Robinson
this book was gifted to me by the author in exchange for an honest review Chris is every freaking bad name I can ever think of and then some he should have his nuts trapped in a vice and squeezed,carter is such a sweetheart and has now joined my ever growing list of bookboyfriends, this book is such an emotional rollercoaster and I loved it it was sexy, funny and annoyed me so much I screamed and wanted to throw my tablet at Chris, great read Ashley I'm racing to read part two 5 huge well deserved stars we'll done
Tainted Pictures by Sarah Robinson
synopsis:Kate Jackson had no idea who she was until she met Derrick Kane and their whirlwind romance turned out to be the everything she needed to build a future and heal her past.
But a shocking crime leads Kate to uncover the work of an extremely dangerous serial killer, notoriously called “The Photographer” due to his penance for taking pictures of his victims.
Derrick continues to work to gain back Kate’s trust and to find The Photographer as Kate builds new friendships and finds new skills.
Can she catch The Photographer and learn to trust Derrick again? Find out in Tainted Picture's sequel and the final installment of The Photographer Trilogy.
**Please note that this book is to be followed by a final book in the trilogy, therefore contains a cliffhanger.
synopsis:Kate Jackson had no idea who she was until she met Derrick Kane and their whirlwind romance turned out to be the everything she needed to build a future and heal her past.
But a shocking crime leads Kate to uncover the work of an extremely dangerous serial killer, notoriously called “The Photographer” due to his penance for taking pictures of his victims.
Derrick continues to work to gain back Kate’s trust and to find The Photographer as Kate builds new friendships and finds new skills.
Can she catch The Photographer and learn to trust Derrick again? Find out in Tainted Picture's sequel and the final installment of The Photographer Trilogy.
**Please note that this book is to be followed by a final book in the trilogy, therefore contains a cliffhanger.
Review by tracy
noooooooo god dammit it can't be over already I need book three, I need book three come on I'm dying here !
book gifted to me by the lovely Sarah Robinson in exchange for an honest review
well Sarah its official you have twisted me inside out with this series so far and I'm living for book three, I got about 40 percent into this book and the hairs on the back of my neck stood on end it was the middle of the morning and I swore to death I was going to be having nightmares the chilly willys wasn't the word I was almost afraid to keep reading but putting it down just wasn't an option,totally not who I thought it was gutted there lol but oh my freaking god great book if you love books with romance and suspense that give you the chilly willys you will love this book, Sarah you smashed it brilliant I felt like I was right in the story with Kate with a front row seat, if I could give this book more than 5 stars I would bring on book 3!
Say You Will by kate perry
Genre: Romance
synopsis: Rosalind Summerhill is on the verge of becoming the next Vera Wang, as far away from her family and their drama as she can get. The last thing she wants is to leave San Francisco for London, especially not to deal with her father's latest scandal—dying in his mistress's arms. At least she can find comfort in knowing she can leave after the memorial.
Little did she know.
Not only is her father's will missing but, according to his lawyer, her mother will lose everything if it's discovered. Reluctantly joining forces with her sisters to seek and destroy the will is the only way of ensuring her father doesn't win in the end.
Enter Nick Long, the one bright spot about being in London. Nick's everything she's ever dreamed of in a man—supportive, eager to help, and bone-meltingly hot. But Nick's motives aren't as pure as they seem, and the secret he's keeping may tear Rosalind's family and fortune apart

Review by tracy: This book was gifted to me by the author in exchange for an honest review
this book was like an olden day story brought to new times with a lot of life injected into it, I adored this book, for me I thought the storyline was great the hopless romantic in me rolled around in it and the fact that it was 2 story's in 1 I loved more, it was double the fuzzyness, this book is warm, sexy, funny and heartwarming and I could not put it down, well done Kate 5 huge stars great book I cannot wait for more.
noooooooo god dammit it can't be over already I need book three, I need book three come on I'm dying here !
book gifted to me by the lovely Sarah Robinson in exchange for an honest review
well Sarah its official you have twisted me inside out with this series so far and I'm living for book three, I got about 40 percent into this book and the hairs on the back of my neck stood on end it was the middle of the morning and I swore to death I was going to be having nightmares the chilly willys wasn't the word I was almost afraid to keep reading but putting it down just wasn't an option,totally not who I thought it was gutted there lol but oh my freaking god great book if you love books with romance and suspense that give you the chilly willys you will love this book, Sarah you smashed it brilliant I felt like I was right in the story with Kate with a front row seat, if I could give this book more than 5 stars I would bring on book 3!
Say You Will by kate perry
Genre: Romance
synopsis: Rosalind Summerhill is on the verge of becoming the next Vera Wang, as far away from her family and their drama as she can get. The last thing she wants is to leave San Francisco for London, especially not to deal with her father's latest scandal—dying in his mistress's arms. At least she can find comfort in knowing she can leave after the memorial.
Little did she know.
Not only is her father's will missing but, according to his lawyer, her mother will lose everything if it's discovered. Reluctantly joining forces with her sisters to seek and destroy the will is the only way of ensuring her father doesn't win in the end.
Enter Nick Long, the one bright spot about being in London. Nick's everything she's ever dreamed of in a man—supportive, eager to help, and bone-meltingly hot. But Nick's motives aren't as pure as they seem, and the secret he's keeping may tear Rosalind's family and fortune apart

Review by tracy: This book was gifted to me by the author in exchange for an honest review
this book was like an olden day story brought to new times with a lot of life injected into it, I adored this book, for me I thought the storyline was great the hopless romantic in me rolled around in it and the fact that it was 2 story's in 1 I loved more, it was double the fuzzyness, this book is warm, sexy, funny and heartwarming and I could not put it down, well done Kate 5 huge stars great book I cannot wait for more.
Diana Gardins Settling ashes (no cover at present )
synopsis: He broke her heart, she's missing the largest piece of the puzzle...
Paige Hill is no stranger to physical pain, but the ache that plagues her heart is an entirely new kind of hurt. She left Rutherford to escape it, but did she make a huge mistake? Her ex-boyfriend Beau, who scooped up the broken pieces of Paige like he never got the chance in their past, doesn’t think so. He wants her to stay…
Clay Forbes can’t eat, can’t sleep, and can’t fight the murder charge that hangs like a guillotine over his head. None of it matters if Paige won’t forgive him. He’ll do anything to find her and bring her home.
But how safe will that home be when the two are finally reunited? It seems the death of Hannah Davis is definitely unfinished business in their small college town, and someone is still on a mission to keep Clay and Paige apart…this time forever

review by tracy :
This book was gifted to me by the author in exchange for an honest review
from the moment I read out of the ashes I knew I was going to be hooked, I adored this book, I fell in love with clay and beau all over again, this book was sexy, swoonworthy and was the perfect treat for the hopeless romantic in me well done Diana great read one again you smashed it 5 huge stars
lost in me by lexi ryan
Genre: Romance,Suspense
synopsis: Lost in Me is the first book in the Here and Now series, a spin-off of the New York Times and USA Today bestselling New Hope series. This sexy amnesia love triangle is intended for mature readers.
The last thing I remember is having drinks at Brady’s and trying to avoid eye-contact with my life-long crush—the gorgeous, unattainable Maximilian Hallowell. They tell me that was a year ago, but I have no memories of anything since then. What I do have is this ring on my finger that Max says he gave me, and this much-thinner body I’ve dreamed of most of my life. Aside from a case of retrograde amnesia, everything seems almost...perfect.
But the deeper I immerse myself into this new world of mine—planning a wedding to a man I don't remember dating, attempting to run a business I don't remember starting—the clearer it becomes that nothing is as it seems. Do I have the life I’ve always wanted or is it a facade propped up by secrets I don't even know I have?
I need answers before I marry Max, and the only person who seems to have them is the angry, tatted, sexy-as-sin rocker Nate Crane. And Nate wants me for himself.
Lost in Me is not a standalone novel, as the story continues in Here and Now book two, Fall to You, releasing in June

tracy's review
this book was gifted to me by the author in exchange for an honest review
holy cliffhanger emm emm ..... what ? picks jaw off the floor, seriously?. I can't cope. I don't think I can wait for the next one I need to know what happens now, I almost threw my tablet off the wall I was left speechless at the end or maybe it was shocked I'm still trying to get my head round it that was not what I expected, I loved this book it is sexy and has many twists and turns with a sexy ass rocker what more could a girl want? stunned at the ending don't want to say why I don't like to give spoiler reviews but pfffff. well done Lexi I think I'm going to live in complete torment waiting for answers 5 well deserved stars for a book that captures a heart from the beginning and twist it in a vice and doesn't let go
tracy's review kiss me goodnight Michele Zurlo
this book was gifted to me by the author in exchange for an honest review
well I can truly say I was not expecting that wow I think I'm still in shock from some parts, great story not at all predictable, touches on a very harrowing subject so I would not recommend it for the faint hearted that's for sure, very well wrote lots of suspense ,sexy book boyfriends and gripping story lines of omg really ? well done Michele 5 stars great read
An Imposition - Bill Merten - Review by Maggi
ARC Received For An Honest Review
An Imposition is a murder mystery with a "who done it" attitude. The story is based mainly in the Monroe Laboratory, a nuclear weapons development and research lab, where a murder takes place, shortly after which we meet Ed Cotter, a scientist who has applied for a position in Monroe. We follow Ed as he is shown around the Monroe Labs, meets new people and learns new things. Ed finds that it is not too easy being a part of the team as he deals with the incompetence of a fellow scientist who seems to have a problem with him. Throughout the story we are kept informed of the investigation that the FBI and Monroe security staff are conducting.
The story-line is interesting but I found it difficult to really get into it because of of the scientific talk, most of the terms being unknown to my non-scientific mind. I had to look up the term 'metallurgy', and some other stuff. Thankfully, I knew what a glove box was, confusion would come in waves without this knowledge. So, to help you avoid confusion should you decide to read this book, I'll explain it here. It's a large box with glass sides, there are large, shoulder length gloves attached to two holes on one side. These are used when radioactive or otherwise dangerous materials need to be studied, the gloves being there to prevent skin contact with these materials.
Because of the confusion I felt while reading the book, I'll give it a 3/5 stars. But, with a little research, I will probably read the next in the series when it comes out so I find out how the story ends. So, if you are interested in science, to the point where the terms don't confuse you and you love murder mysteries, this is a book you will enjoy.
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Coming Home K.C. Wunderlich review by Tracy
arc received in exchange for an honest review with thx to Stephanie's book reports
At times it was hard to read this book because i was looking through teary eyes, it was emotional in a big way it had this habit of pulling me in and twisting my heart with family members such as some of the ones Joelyn had who needs enemies?. Bo can i just say Bo is my hero, this book is a story that highlights what some tend to brush under the carpet the stories of unkindness that hides behind the smiles sometimes of ones face, its sometimes sad (tissues on hand ) and other times witty and funny hopeless romantics this one is definitely one for you 5 huge stars well done K.C great read
Jettie Woodruff's All for Maddie review by Tracy
A very fine line between love and hate
i stumbled upon this book because Cassy from Stephanie's book reports had read it and i saw it pop up on her facebook goodreads, first i hated Alex then i hated to love him then i despised him then i cried for him then i cried because of him, this book was a huge roller coaster and here i was strapped in for dear life along for the ride, i'm still on this fence about the fact that i don't know if i love him or hate him now, the book played with my emotions so much, why Whitley why ?. i don't believe i would have made the decisions you did but then love is strange and children are stranger.
brilliant book very well wrote, a story well told, a gripping story of how life is not always plain sailing and how the people we love can sometimes take the road to unkindness for selfish reasons and more, you will cry for this book, you will laugh for it and you will clutch it till the end like your life depends on it, 5 huge stars Jettie well done i now go to search out your other books i cant wait to read them
Review by Maggie - Vera Jane Cook's The Story of Sassy Sweetwater
Arc exchanged for an honest review
Ok, so I went into this with a little apprehension as I don't normally read stories that aren't set in either modern day or future days, but I have to say I was pleasantly surprised with this one. The story was set in 1962 and is told from the perspective of then 13 year old Sassy Sweetwater. Sassy pulls you in her world as it is being turned upside-down by her mother, who has decided it's passed time that she returned home with the child she ran away from home to have. We follow Sassy as she adjusts to this new place in Carter's Crossing filled with kin she isn't all that happy to meet. She wants nothing more than to return with her mother to their home in Louisiana, but her mother has other idea's. And so poor Sassy is stuck in this place, having to tolerate a crabby old woman who is her Grandmother, a stick thin and very quiet uncle, the very aunt that helped her mother escape 13 years ago and a strange boy who has a very contradictory personality.
The story is very well told and as the years pass by Sassy's personality changes flawlessly. Going from a 13 year old girl, to a teenager with problems and unresolved issues and beyond. It was worded in such a way that the reader can actually detect the change in Sassy, how her words and thoughts become more mature as the story unfolds. We see love, death, hatred and happiness and we follow Sassy as she has to experience all of this and more.
A very good story, extremely well told and most definitely worth a read.
Amazon link to buy the book -
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Review by Tracy Kimberly Knight's Tattooed Dots
arc received in exchange for an honest review
first off can I say I don't think tattooed dots suits this book as a name I loved this book and in the back of my mind all throughout it I couldn't figure out why it was named tattooed dots until the end so not sure it fits the story its self however I loved it it was sexy , warm and funny in all the right places I loved easton and the relationship with his daughter made me laugh hard at times great read can't wait for the next one good job Kimberly besides the name confusion great book well done 5 stars hopeless romantics this is the one for you :-)

Review by Tracy Tainted Bodies
arc received in exchange for an honest review
well I so did not see that coming, in the first half of this book i kinda felt the story fade a little for me but I continued reading hoping of better to come and I'm glad I did it shocked me tbh and I won't go into detail because I don't wanna ruin it for anyone but stick with it you won't be disappointed I actually can't wait for part 2 now congratz Sarah 5 stars ya lost me at the beginning but you pulled me back in well done great read sexy , warm and heart wrenching all rolled into one
Review of Yes, Master by Maggie
I won this book in a giveaway on Facebook and I just had to read it immediately. So, I did.
Ok, here goes. The story is about Ryan, an army boy with a dark and heartbreaking background, and his journey to heal from the pain of his past.
The story was riveting, it really sucks you in and refuses to let you go, but that's a good thing, because you find yourself needing to see what happens. We follow Ryan as he wades through the darkness, and at one point, almost doesn't find his way back. But there is a light there and, after much straining and squinting, he finally sees it. He makes the decision to not let the past rule the man he is and we get to watch, with teary eyes, as he finds the place that he truly wants to be.
A beautiful story, a kick-ass lead male and his very kick-ass lead female!
Link to my review on Goodreads -
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Review of Diamond Girl by Tracy
This book was gifted to me by the author Andrea smith through facebook
well i have to say i did not see that coming, without giving spoilers because i don't like to do that can i just say i expected this book to be your average biker book, hot biker guys weird way of life so on so on ha boy was i mistaken, its was fantastic i so did not see that coming this book is funny,sexy,heart wrenching,romantic, suspense filled in every sense of the word and i freaking loved every minute of it by the way slate WHOO SIGH fans self HOTTIE my newest book boyfriend to add to my ever growing list, 5 huge stars well done Andrea i cannot wait to read the books to follow great read
p.s i dunno why but at the beginning of this book all that kept springing to my mind was jax teller aka charlie hunnam dreamy lol dunno if thats a good or bad thing :)
Maggie's Review - On Dublin Street
Ok, before I get down to saying what I thought of this book as a story, let me just get some stuff off my
chest regarding our two main characters.
For starters, I'm pretty sure I now strongly dislike the word 'babe', I'm sorry but Braden totally ruined it for me. It was said too often and sometimes, I found, it was said where that particular word just didn't fit the scene that was portrayed.
Next, Joss, my god what a self-centered woman! I get it, she had an absolutely horrible teenhood, and I honestly can't imagine how I could react in a similar situation, I could be worst thank she is. But, for the love of God woman, MOVE ON! I found it way too annoying that she was wrapped up in her own little world all the time! It was poor me, poor me, poor me! Talk about drama!
Rant over. Now, other than the above annoyances, I liked the story, don't ask me why, because it's all about Joss trying not to get attached to anyone because of the horrors in her past and Braden slowly but surely breaking through her defenses even when she strongly denied that he was getting to her at all. There was just something there in the story itself that held my interest and tugged at me heartstrings.
Another reason I liked it was it's name: On Dublin Street. Now I don't live on Dublin Street, but I do live in Dublin, Ireland, so it was a nice little difference. Problem was, I kept imagining an Irish bloke instead of a Scottish one, and I kept picturing some random street or club here in Dublin, rather than Edinburgh. Oops, my bad!
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Review by Tracy Her Master's Courtesan
arc received in exchange for an honest review
STOP THIS IS NOT A BOOK FOR THE FAINT HEARTED IF YOU CANNOT HANDLE THE DARK OF DARK DO NOT PROCEED ANY FURTHER , IF YOU CAN HANDLE DARK PROCEED WITH CAUTION ! this book is so very captivating and dangerously good but weird good , where you don't want to like it because of the story it tells you scream and you rant and call it all the names under the sun yet you refuse to stop reading and when forced to put it down you constantly think about it, I ugly cried for Rebecca and I ugly cried because of her the mixed emotions I felt whilst reading this is unreal, I refuse to give points about the story as I don't want to give any spoilers or clues about the book but I say this you will NOT be disappointed , hats off to ms lily white I did not see it coming, I prayed for it to go so many ways it did not , 5 huge stars brilliant book wrote with a greatness I don't think I'd have to write such material for that I applaud you well done
Review of Miss Taken by Tracy

I received this book in exchange for an honest review
This book has me so confused I should hate Dominick with a passion but I don't , at times I almost cried for him that's kinda messed up, this book was nothing like I would have predicted it was so much better and I loved the controlling sexy parts but I must say I was a little thrown by the skimming around words involved there for a steamy passionate book it threw me for a loop with books such as this I feel like if you are going to make it steamy go all out (maybe that's just me ) all in all I loved this book the storyline was great and holy hell what a cliffhanger, I was so excited to find out what happens guess I have to wait and see recommended for all you girls who like your man hot and a force to be reckoned with well done great book can't wait to find out what happens
A Touch of Crimson by Sylvia Day
Maggies Review
My god what a beautiful story. The twists and turns of the story left me in a daze. The characters are absolutely wonderful, the story is fantastic and it really does keep you wanting more and eagerly awaiting the next addition. A Hunger So Wild is the next story of the series and i'm looking forward to reading it. Well done Sylvia!

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